08 September, 2005

I've never been so alone, And I've, I've never been so alive

It's been pretty busy with me so this ol' blog has suffered. I just got a full time job, which I start on Monday. I'm pretty damn nervous about it. It's been awhile since I've had a job where I deal with customers. The last few I've had I've been behind the scenes for the most part. I like dealing with the public even though people can drive me fucking nuts.

The improv show I go see every week is having auditions again. I've been thinking of trying out. I'm torn though. I don't really have any improv experience. I've done a little but nothing that really counts. I'd like to give it a shot since you never know if it might work out. I'm terrified to try though. I keep flip flopping about it. I'm beginning to feel like a fish out of water. *flop, flop*

Summer's practically over. It's piss pouring rain and a little chilly. I love this type of weather though I do love the summer sun. I only got to the beach once this year and it was back in May. Sometimes I wish I lived in a warmer climate so I could go to the beach year round. Then I think about how much I love having four distinct seasons. I think it makes me appreciate each season more.